From the farm. From the sheep. To us.
The Schrefel family from the Orth organic farm provides us with excellent cheese made from sheep's milk, many other seasonal delicacies produced on their farm — and a lot of inspiration.
Anyone who visits the Orth Organic Farm understands why words are not enough to describe the feeling that overcomes you when you take a deep breath for the first time and let your gaze wander. The old walls that tell so much history. The lush green that represents summer, healthy earth, and much tending and care. The bleating sheep roaming around. And the children you meet at the farm.
Berthold & Birgit live here. Work here. Operate here. With their children and sheep. With so much attention to detail, it’s okay to sometimes be at a loss for words. And just eat cheese. Good that we have a lot of it at the Refugium Lunz.