Good buildings are built by good people.
The old parlor at the Refugium Lunz has seen a lot and has even more to narrate. However, the mere fact that we can experience it today as it was constructed 300 years ago was not an easy matter.
Those who enter today's parlor at the Lunz Refuge feel the creaking of the wooden floorboards under their feet, stretch their gaze towards the sky — marveling at the ornate decoration of the beams — feel and experience more than 300 years of history. It is therefore also the oldest part of the building. At the start of the project, however, it was in a dreadful state. Many of the historic surfaces were built over, the old beams partly defaced with drill holes.
Heinz Glatzl and Joachim Mayr proved to have a knack and the right eye for carefully uncovering its historic core. Piece by piece, the old ceiling was refurbished, imperfections were repaired, and resourceful new solutions were found where necessary. For instance, some pieces of wood that were used to repair small spots were baked in our own oven until they had the right color.
Nowadays, the ambience pays tribute to the history and, alongside a fireplace and seats, invites you to listen to all its stories.